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Notice #: 0000708712-02
State/City & County Jobs

For full description and other employment listings, visit website above. Appointments
are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position
clearance. UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution.
Associate Vice Chancellor, UHM,
Office of the Vice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs, Manoa, #89169,
continuous recruitment, 808-956-9396
Director of Capital Projects, #89233,
Office of the VP for Admin, continuous
recruitment, review to begin on or
around 2/02/15. For inquiries email:
Instructor, UHM John A. Burns
School of Medicine, Kapiolani Medical
Center for Women & Children,
#88691T or #88863T (2 posns), temp,
closes 1/20/15, 808-369-1237
Assistant Professor (Dental
Hygiene) (Nursing & Dental Hygiene,
Dept of Dental Hygiene), Dental
Hygiene, Manoa Campus, #85804,
continuous recruitment, 808-956-8821
Instructor, CC (Counselor – Native
Hawaiian Success), Student Services,
Leeward Community College,
#82581T, temp, closes 01/26/15,
Junior Researcher, C of Trop Agr
and Hum Res, Tropical Plant and Soil
Sciences, Manoa, #85513T, temp,
closes 01/22/15, 808-969-8258
Assistant Researcher, Institute for
Astronomy, Maui, Hawaii, #86100,
closes 03/01/15, 808-956-8306
Assistant, Associate or Full
Specialist, Institute for Astronomy,
Manoa, #82040, closes 01/31/15,
Instructor, CC (Native Hawaiian
Transfer and Career Guidance
Counselor), Hawai`i Community College,
Hilo, #86814T, temp, closes 01/27/15,
Assistant Specialist (Mathematics
Education), Curriculum Research and
Development Group (CRDG), Manoa,
#84377, continuous recruitment, 808-
Associate or Full Professor and
Director, College of Education, Center
on Disability Studies, Manoa, #82272,
continuous recruitment, 808-956-3817
Assistant Professor, College
of Education, Educational
Administration, Manoa, #82075,
continuous recruitment, 808-956-4117
Junior/Assistant Specialist, College
of Education, Office of Student
Academic Services, Manoa, #82897,
continuous recruitment, 808-956-2526
Physical Plant Management PBA
(Auxil & Fac Svcs Off), Auxiliary
Services, Manoa Campus, #79347,
closes 01/20/15, 808-956-5389
Physical Plant Management PBA
(Auxil Fac Svcs Off), Auxiliary
Services, Manoa Campus, #79276,
closes 01/20/15, 808-956-5389
Enterprise Operations PBA (Asst
Bookstore Mgr), Bookstore System,
UH West Oahu, #77711T, part-time,
temp, closes 01/20/15, 808-956-0899
Institutional Support PBB (Fiscal
Specialist), Financial Management
Systems Office, SOEST, Manoa
Campus, #78496T, temp, closes
01/21/15, 808-956-8910.
Instructional and Student Support
PBA (Residence Director), UHM/
Student Affairs/Student Housing
Services, Manoa, #78961, closes
03/22/15, 808-956-9045
Instructional and Student Support
PBB (Conference Officer) UHM/
Student Affairs/Student Housing
Services, Manoa, #80219, closes
01/21/15, 808-956-9045
Academic Support PBA (Lab
Coordinator, Hawai`i Community
College, UH Center West Hawai`i
(Kona), #77365T, temp, closes
02/03/15, 808-934-2518
Instructional and Student Support
PBB (Financial Aid Mgr, Hawai`i
Community College, Hilo, #77424T,
temp, closes 02/03/15, 808-934-2509
Instructional and Student Support
PBB (Financial Aid Sp) Financial
Aid Services, Manoa, #81609, closes
01/23/15, 808-956-7251
Institutional Support PBA
(Adm & Fiscal Support Sp.) –
Readvertisement, Offfice of the
President, Manoa, #80180, closes
01/23/15, 808-956-8601
Academic Support PBB
(Educational Sp), Readvertisement,
VP for Academic Affairs, Hawaii
P-20, Manoa, #79541T, temp, closes
01/23/15, 808-956-8601
For civil service positions (e.g., clerical, security, maintenance,
lab aids, etc.), please view: