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Notice #: 0000682497-01


AMENDED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a public hearing originally noticed for December 3, 2014, but which is now to be held by the Hawaii Community Development Authority (“HCDA”), State of Hawaii, under the provisions of Act 61, Session Laws of Hawaii 2014, Subchapter 3 of Hawaii Administrative Rules (“HAR”) Chapter 15-219, and vested HAR Chapter 15-22 on the following date and time:

DATE: November 25, 2014 (Decision-Making Hearing)
9:00 a.m.

PLACE: 461 Cooke Street, Makai Room
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

or as soon thereafter as those interested may be heard to consider the following item:

Public hearings to review the permit application. The HCDA has held two public hearings and is holding a further public hearing regarding the following project:

Application Date: August 6, 2014
Permit Number: KAK 14-066
Applicant: Howard Hughes Corporation
Tax Map Key (“TMK”): 2-3-001: por. 005
Project Location: 1050 Ala Moana Boulevard
Description: The request is for a Planned Development Permit for a mixed- use, residential and commercial, development project submitted by the Applicant Victoria Ward, Limited on a portion of the identified as TMK: (1)2-3- 001: 005. The Project is located at 1050 Ala Moana Boulevard and consists of two high-rise towers, both with approximately 236 residential units combined. The towers will rest on separate platform structures and have a combined total of approximately: 19,730 square feet of commercial space, 42,178 square feet of ground level open space, 80,242 square feet of indoor and outdoor recreation space, and 548 parking stalls.

Modifications Requested: The Applicant is requesting the following four modifications pursuant to the vested HAR Chapter 15-22 Mauka Area Rules:
Increase the maximum platform height to 65 feet, with an allowance of an additional 15 feet in height for fifteen percent (15%) of the roof area that will be used for accessory uses.
Eliminate the street front element 1:1 slope setback along Auahi Street and Ala Moana Boulevard.
Modify the uniform front yard setback of 15 feet to an average front yard setback of 15 feet.
Increase the allowable pedestrian shade canopy projection into the front yard from 4 feet to 10 feet.

All proceedings will be conducted in accordance with HAR Chapter 15-219, Rules of Practice and Procedure.

Hearings, as previously noticed, were held on October 1, 2014 (Presentation Hearing) and October 2, 2014 (Modification Hearing).

The purpose of the November 25, 2014 decision-making hearing is to allow for additional oral and/or written testimony from the general public on the above-listed permit application prior to decision-making by the Authority. If the Authority adopts a proposed decision and order which is adverse to a party to the proceeding at the November 25, 2014 hearing, the Authority will continue its decision-making to January 7, 2015, at 545 Queen Street, 2nd Floor, at which point the parties to the proceeding will be allowed to present argument on any filed exceptions to the proposed decision and order, and the Authority will subsequently enter its final decision and order.

Any party may retain counsel or appear on his/her own behalf or send a representative if the party is a partnership, corporation, trust, or association.

Copies of the permit application are available for inspection during regular business hours at the office of the HCDA, 461 Cooke Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, or will be mailed to anyone who requests a copy after payment has been made for copying and postage costs. To request a copy of the permit application or submit written comments or testimony, please contact the HCDA on or before the date of the public hearing. Written public testimony will be accepted through HCDA website at up to 4:30 p.m. the day before the respective public hearing dates (herein “Written Testimony Deadline”). Persons wishing to submit public testimony after the Written Testimony Deadline are encouraged to appear in person at the public hearing to present oral testimony, as the HCDA cannot guarantee that any written testimony submitted after the Written Testimony Deadline will be incorporated into the record. Persons who intend to present oral testimony on any of the above-listed permit application shall sign-up at the beginning of each public hearing. Persons who intend to submit written testimony shall submit 30 copies of their statements up to 4:30 p.m. the day before the public hearing dates. Please be advised that any written public testimony submittedto the HCDA will be treated as a public record and, as such, any contact information contained therein may be available for public inspection and copying. Pursuant to §92-3, HRS, §15-219-28, HAR, the Chairperson may limit public oral testimony to three minutes per speaker and speakers may be subject to questioning by the members of the Authority or by any other representative of the Authority. For questions or concerns, please call the office of the HCDA at 594-0300.

Individuals who need auxiliary aids for effective communication are invited to contact Ms. Lindsey Doi, HCDA’s ADA Compliance Coordinator at 594-0300, or by facsimile at 594-0299, at least five working days prior to the date required.


(SA682497 10/25/14)~