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Notice #: 0000606652-02
State/City & County Jobs

For full description and other employment listings, visit website above.
Appointments are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or
position clearance. UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution.
For civil service positions (e.g., clerical, security, maintenance,
lab aids, etc.), please view:
President, Office of the President,
Located at Manoa Campus, Position
#89058. Review of applications and
nominations will begin on 3/12/14 and
will continue until the position is filled.
For best consideration, please submit
applications by 3/26/14. For more
information about the presidential
search, go to: http://www.hawaii.
presidential-search/. For inquiries,
Vice President for Administration,
Located at Manoa Campus, #89446,
continuous recruitment, review to
begin 3/17/14. Email inquiries to:
Assistant or Associate Professor
(Surgery), UHM School of Medicine
– Dept. of Surgery, Queens Medical
Center – UH Tower, #85452, closes
03/07/14, 808-586-2920
Instructor, CC (Radiologic
Technology), Health Sciences
Department, Kapi’olani Community
College, #86740, temp, closes
03/31/14, 808-734-9569
Instructor, CC in ESL (International
Programs), Arts and Sciences,
Leeward Community College, #82888,
closes 03/17/14, 808-455-0326
Instructor, CC (Digital Media),
Professional Arts and Technology,
Leeward Community College, #86736,
closes 03/17/14, 808-455-0326
Instructor, CC (MELE), Honolulu
Community College, #86721, temp,
closes 03/07/14, 808-845-9135
Assistant Researcher in Sustainable
Farming Systems, Tropical
Plant and Soil Sciences, CTAHR,
Hilo, Hawaii, #84067, continuous
recruitment, 808-969-8258
Junior Researcher (Clinical Sciences
and Translational Research), UH
Cancer Center, Honolulu, #70230T,
temp, closes 03/11/14
Instructor or Assistant Professor,
CC (Sustainable Science Management)
– Re-advertisement, UH Maui College,
Kahului, Maui, #74756, closes
03/31/14, 808-984-3213
Administrative, Professional,
& Technical
Instructional and Student Support
PBB (Student Services Sp), School of
Nursing and Dental Hygiene, Manoa,
#79596T, temp, closes 03/10/14,
Media Design and Production
PBA (Media Spec), College of Social
Sciences, Dean’s Office, Manoa,
#77079T, temp, closes 03/11/14,
Information Technology PBB (Java
Web Developer), ITS, Manoa, #81043,
closes 03/31/14. For complt quals &
how to apply, visit
Info Tech PBB (Java Web
Applications Developer), ITS, Manoa,
#79943, closes 03/31/14. For complt
quals & how to apply, visit
Institutional Support PBB (Human
Resources Mgr), Honolulu Community
College, #80366, closes 03/10/14,
Institutional Support PBA (Admin
& Fiscal Sup Sp- CSTR), UH Cancer
Center, Honolulu, #79524T, temp,
closes 03/06/14
Facilities Planning & Design PBB
(Engineer), Office of Facilities and
Grounds, UH Manoa, #81008T, temp,
closes 03/06/14, 808-956-4805
Institutional Support PBB (Fiscal
Specialist), Office of Research
Services, Manoa Campus, #80138,
closes 03/06/14, 808-956-6959
Institutional Supp PBB (Fiscal Sp),
UH Cancer Center, Honolulu, #79438T
and #80372T (2 posns), closes
Academic Support PBB (Program
Liaison), Vice President for Research
and Innovation, Manoa Innovation
Center, #78459, closes 03/07/14,
Institutional Support PBA (Contracts
Coordinator), Office of Research
Services, Contracts and Grants Admin
Kaka’ako Service Center, #78635,
closes 03/07/14, 808-356-5764
Academic Support PBA (Academic
Support Sp), UH Maui College,
#79293T, temporary, closes 03/17/14,
Research Support PBB (Research
Associate), CTAHR, Human Nutrition,
Food and Animal Sciences, Manoa,
#78656T, temp, closes 03/11/14,
Institutional Support PBA (Admin
& Fiscal Support Sp), UHM Sea
Grant, University of Hawaii at Manoa,
#77410T, temp, closes 03/10/14,
Institutional Support PBA (Adm and
Fiscal Support Sp) – Readvertisement,
Business Office, Kapi`olani Community
College, #79511T, temp, closes
03/17/14, 808-734-9531
Academic Support PBA (Educational
Sp) – Readvertisement, School of
Nursing and Dental Hygiene, Manoa,
#79448T or #79516T (2 posns), temp,
closes 03/10/14, 808-956-7697
Instructional and Student Support
PBA (Student Services Specialist),
Student Support Services, Kapi’olani
Community College, #78319, closes
03/17/14, 808-734-9522
Instructional and Student Support
PBA (Student Services Specialist),
Kekaulike Center, Kapi’olani
Community College, #78899, closes
03/17/14, 808-734-9522
Physical Plant Management PBA
(Auxil & Fac Svcs Off) –
Readvertisement, Kapi’olani
Comm Coll, #79010T, temp, closes
03/17/14, 808-734-9572
Physical Plant Management PBB
(Auxil & Fac Svcs Off (Captain of
Campus Security)), Campus Security,
Manoa Campus, #81189, closes
03/10/14, 808-956-9802
Research Support PBB (Research
Associate), CTAHR, Tropical Plant and
Soil Sciences, Manoa, #80760T, temp,
closes 03/10/14, 808-956-7369
Public Info, Public Events Planning
and Publications PBA (Public Info
Sp), UH Cancer Center, #79508T,
temp, closes 03/11/14
Institutional Support PBB
(Institutional Researcher), University of
Hawaii – West Oahu, Kapolei, #77507,
closes 03/14/14, 808-689-2525
Instructional and Student Support
PBB (Student Svcs Sp/Dir of Student
Svcs), Daniel K. Inouye Coll of
Pharmacy, UH Hilo, #77435, closes
03/12/14, 808-932-7697
Information Technology PBC
(Manager), ITS, Manoa, #81384, closes
04/30/14. For complt quals & how to
apply, visit
Institutional Support PBC (Contract
and Grants Sp), School of Medicine,
Kaka’ako, #80011, closes 03/12/14,
Institutional Support PBA (Human
Resources Sp), Manoa Human
Resources, Manoa, #78543, closes
03/14/14, 808-956-3028
Institutional Support PBB
(Accountant), VP for Budget &
Finance/CFO, Financial Management
Office, Manoa, #79359, closes
03/14/14, 808-956-8601