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Notice #: 0000553747-01


Request for Proposals (RFP):

The City and County of Honolulu (City), through its Department of Budget and Fiscal Services, is requesting proposals from City agencies and qualified private nonprofit agencies for federal funding from the City’s CDBG Program for Fiscal Year 2014. The City anticipates receiving approximately $34 million in CDBG program income from the Honolulu Affordable Housing Preservation Initiative (HAHPI) sale that will be covered by this RFP. Approximately $1 million will be reserved for program administration, $5 million for the implementation of the City’s Homeless Action Plan and $8 million for construction ready public infrastructure improvement projects in predominately low and moderate income neighborhoods other than Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA) Projects. Approximately $20 million in CDBG funds will be available to award to qualified agencies under this RFP.

The funding available through this RFP is contingent upon the City successfully closing the HAHPI sale.

The City is seeking projects that will enable it to achieve the goals and objectives published in its Consolidated Plan for Fiscal Years 2011-2015. The Consolidated Plan is available for viewing at:

Submission deadline:

All agencies must submit their CDBG funding applications to the Division of Purchasing by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 1, 2013, as evidenced by a date and time stamp from the Division of Purchasing. The Division of Purchasing is located at Honolulu Hale, 530 South King Street, Room 115, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Subsequent Schedule:

October 2013 City staff review period.

October to November 2013 Selection Committee review and selection period.

November to December 2013 Public comment, City Council approval period, including listing of selected projects for submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for approval.

April 2014 Anticipated availability of HAHPI CDBG funds.

To submit a CDBG funding application:

o Obtain the RFP and funding applications on the Division of Purchasing website:
o You may also pick up these forms in person at the Division of Purchasing at the above address.
o Complete the CDBG funding application, including all required attachments.
o Return the completed funding application by the submission deadline.

Description of CDBG Program:

Projects that are funded in the CDBG program must address the CDBG program’s primary objective, which is the “…development of viable urban communities, by providing decent housing and suitable living environments and expanding economic opportunities principally for persons of low- and moderate-income.”

Eligible CDBG activities include:

o Acquisition of real property.
o Disposition of real property.
o Acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation of public facilities.
o Clearance, demolition and removal of buildings and improvements.
o Provision of public services provided it is a new service or a quantifiable increase in a service now being provided and does not exceed 15 percent of the City’s entitlement grant.
o Rehabilitation of privately owned buildings and low-income public housing.
o Removal of material and architectural barriers restricting mobility of elderly and handicapped persons.
o Planning activities.
o Historic preservation.
o Economic development.
o Payment of reasonable administrative costs and carrying charges related to the planning and execution of community development activities.

Activities that are ineligible for CDBG funding include, but are not limited to, the following:

o Buildings for the general conduct of government.
o General government expenses.
o Political activities.
o Purchase of equipment unless as part of an economic development activity or when necessary for use by a recipient or subrecipient in the administration of activities assisted with CDBG funds.
o Operating and maintenance expenses.
o New housing construction unless carried out by a Community Based Development Organization (CBDO).
o Income payments for housing or any other funds.
o Religious activities.

The City may provide CDBG funds to a Community-Based Development Organization (CBDO) that is qualified to carry out certain CBDO activities such as neighborhood revitalization, community economic development, energy conservation, or new housing construction projects in an approved Neighborhood Revitalization Area. Applicants need not be CBDOs to apply for CDBG funding from the City; however, only applicants that are already certified as CBDOs by the City will be granted CDBG funds to carry out CBDO activities.

Questions may be directed to 768-3935 or by email to

Nelson H. Koyanagi, Jr., Director
Department of Budget and Fiscal Services
(SA553747 9/3/13)~