Traffic Schedule No. 2012-11 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF HONOLULU 1990 (ROH), AS AMENDED, THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU, HEREBY ESTABLISHES TRAFFIC SCHEDULE NO. 2012-11 TO AMEND SCHEDULE V OF SECTION 15-7.2(b)(3) ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMIT–25 MPH; SCHEDULE XIV OF SECTION 15-11.3 ESTABLISHING STOP INTERSECTIONS; SCHEDULE XXII OF SECTION 15-14.5(a) ESTABLISHING PROHIBITED PARKING CERTAIN AREAS; SCHEDULE XXV OF SECTION 15-15.3(d) ESTABLISHING OFFICIAL BUS STOPS. Section 1. Chapter 15 of the ROH 1990, as amended, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: a. By amending Schedule V of Sec. 15-7.2(b)(3) establishing speed limit–25 mph by adding thereto the following items: “Hakamoa St., for its entire length.” “Holomoku St., for its entire length.” “Paaloha St., for its entire length.” b. By amending Schedule XIV of Sec. 15-11.3 establishing stop intersections by adding thereto the following item: Holomoku St-Nemo St. Traffic on Holomoku St. must stop before entering Nemo St.” c. By amending Schedule XXII of Sec. 15-14.5(a) establishing prohibited parking certain areas in the following particulars: 1. By adding thereto the following items: “Diamond Head Rd. (bridge), makai side, distance approximately 145’ Koko Head direction from a point approximately 2,830’ Koko Head of the Koko Head curb prolongation of Beach Rd.” “Holomoku St., eastern leg, both sides, for its entire length and including its turnaround area. “Holomoku St., western leg, southern side and including its turnaround area.” “Kaiohee St., northern side, distance 100’ westerly direction from a point 45’ east of the eastern curb prolongation of Kaipuhinehu St.” “Leokane St., Koko Head side, from Farrington Hwy. to Leowahine St.” “Leokane St., Ewa side, distance 278’ makai direction from a point 40’ mauka of the mauka curb prolongation of Leowahine St.” 2. By amending thereto the following item: Kaaipu Ave., odd-numbered side, between Oahu Ave. and Lowrey Ave.; to read: “Kaaipu Ave., odd-numbered side, between Oahu Ave. and Huapla St.” d. By amending Schedule XXV of Sec. 15-15.3(d) establishing official bus stops by deleting therefrom the following item: “Pensacola St., Ewa side, distance 136’ makai direction from a point 10’ makai of the makai curb prolongation of Elm St.” Section 2. This schedule is hereby attached to and made a part of Article VI hereof and shall take effect ten (10) working days after its publication. Wayne Y. Yoshioka Director Department of Transportation Services City and County of Honolulu Dated: November 23, 2012 Copies of the Schedule are on file in the City Clerk’s Office for use and examination by the public. (SA473834 11/29/12)~