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Notice #: 0000464506-01


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes (“HRS”) Chapters 91, 269, and 271, and Hawaii Administrative Rules (“HAR”) Chapters 6-61, 6-62, 6-68, and 6-80, the HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (“Commission”) will hold a show cause hearing to determine whether the certificates of authority or the certificates of registration of the telecommunications carriers listed below and the certificates of public convenience and necessity or permits of the motor carriers of passengers and property listed below should be suspended or revoked for their failure to do one or more of the following:

(a) File annual financial reports pursuant to HRS § 271-25, HAR § 6-80-91, and Ordering Paragraph No. 2 of the Order Authorizing the Continuation of the Zone of Reasonableness Program for Motor Carriers, filed on September 22, 2010, in Docket No. 2007-0159;

(b) Pay annual fees and/or assessed penalties, pursuant to HRS §§ 269- 30, 271-27(i), 271-36, and HAR §§ 6-62-24(a), 6-62-42;

(c) Pay an annual contribution to the telecommunications relay services fund, pursuant to the Decision and Order filed on June 13, 2011, in Docket No. 2011-0095; and/or

(d) Pay civil penalties pursuant to HRS § 271-27 and HAR § 6-68-22.

The Commission directs the PROPERTY AND PASSENGER MOTOR CARRIERS, AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIERS listed below to appear before the Commission at the hearing to be held in the Commission’s hearing room, 465 South King Street, Room B-3, Honolulu, Hawaii, at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, November 20, 2012.

Each entity listed below may be represented by an attorney of its own choosing. Sole proprietors may appear on their own behalf; a partner may represent a partnership; and an officer or authorized employee of a corporation, trust, or association may represent the corporation, trust, or association. If an entity listed below fails to appear at the scheduled hearing, the Commission may suspend or revoke that entities certificate or permit.



2012-0234 Clifford J. Moniz, dba KZ Services-2131-C
2012-0235 Kealohalani Equipment & Rental, Inc.-2091-C
2012-0236 Puaa Trucking, Inc.-4049-C
2012-0237 Rodney Jackson Miyashiro, dba Rodney J. Miyashiro Rental & Services-5115-C
2012-0238 Valentine Redo, dba Redo’s Express-4002-C
2012-0239 Valley Isle Equipment Rental, Inc.-4055-C
2012-0240 Molokai Security Service, Inc.-4084-C
2012-0241 Safety First Equipment Sales and Rental, LLC-2160-C
2012-0242 Richard Alan Faye, dba Faye Trucking and Repair-5201-C
2012-0243 Roy Shields, dba Mac Q-2063-C
2012-0244 Triple “B” (Hawaii), Inc.-242-C
2012-0245 Patricia M. Kia, dba Kia Truck Rental-2198-C
2012-0246 David Ray Basinger, dba Rolling Stones Trucking-5208-C
2012-0247 Pacific Island Hauling, Inc.-4123-C
2012-0248 Valley Isle Trucking, Inc.-4072-C
2012-0249 Golden Ridge Development, Inc.-2112-C
2012-0250 Western Haulin LLC-2235-C
2012-0251 Royz Trucking LLC-2250-C
2012-0252 Mana Lindsey Trucking, LLC-3049-C
2012-0253 PK Trucking Services, LLC-2243-C
2012-0254 Honolulu Trucking LLC-2266-C
2012-0255 Gateway Builders & Hauling LLC-2303-C
2012-0256 RJ Trucking and Landscape, LLC-4164-C
2012-0257 Noka’oi Trucking, Inc.-2309-C
2012-0258 C.N.K. Trucking Co., LLC-2277-C
2012-0259 RK Contracting, LLC-2174-C
2012-0260 Kua’ana Trucking, Inc.-2297-C
2012-0261 SER Trucking, Inc.-2074-C
2012-0262 Hawai Heavy Haul Services Incorporated-2327-C
2012-0263 Iron Horse Trucking LLC-5206-C
2012-0264 Big Boys Trucking, LLC-2221-C
2012-0266 Rodney Nakoa, dba Island-Wide Towing-2006-C
2012-0267 Wailana Trucking Enterprises, LLC, dba Maui Rolloffs-4130-C
2012-0268 Ryan K., Incorporated-5211-C
2012-0269 B & C Trucking Co., Ltd.-25-C
2012-0270 Elite Trucking & Services LLC-2163-C
2012-0271 Taku Kikaku U.S.A., Inc., dba Offroad Express-2032-C



2012-0272 Air Taxi & Tours, LLC, dba Air Taxi, Tours & Shuttle-5697-C
2012-0273 Hana Maui Transportation Co., Ltd.-4700-P
2012-0274 Hawaii County Economic Opportunity Council-5674-C
2012-0275 Korean Tour Guide Service Center, Inc., dba KTG Trans-1185-C
2012-0276 Molokai Independent Drivers, Inc., dba Molokai Off-Road Tours & Taxi-4586-C
2012-0277 Pacific Trans LLC-1858-C
2012-0278 Winston Decano Labiano, dba J & W Tour & Taxi-5741-C
2012-0279 Juan Carlos Bianchetti, dba Ole Tours Hawaii-1708-C
2012-0280 Paradise Excursions, Inc.-5727-C
2012-0281 Handi-Wheelchair Transportation LLC-1886-C
2012-0282 Transporter 3, LLC-1901-C
2012-0283 Kokua Ola Loa Multi-Transit Services, LLC-1933-C
2012-0284 My Design Ventures LLC, dba Hawaiian Escapades-1867-C
2012-0285 Handi Wheels Hawaii, LLC-1943-C
2012-0286 Kupuna Cruisers LLC-4868-C
2012-0287 Gerald K.U. Lee, dba Jay’s Limousine Service-1598-C
2012-0288 AJ’s Tour, LLC-5779-C
2012-0289 All Access VIP Tours & Transfers, Inc.-4875-C
2012-0290 Loreen D. Troxel, dba THC Transervice-1934-C
2012-0291 Ferdinand D. Boy, dba Lucky Transport-317-C
2012-0292 Nohona Lima Svcs., LLC, dba MPC Handitrans Svcs.-1801-C
2012-0293 Quality 1 Limousine Service, Inc.-348-C
2012-0294 Maui Rolls Royce Classics, LLC-4864-C
2012-0295 Dong Hyoun Lee, dba Four Seasons Tours-4879-C
2012-0296 LV Transport Services, LLC-365-C
2012-0297 Moore Watertime, LLC-4878-C
2012-0298 Jon M. Bryan, dba Majestic Hawaii Tours-5754-C
2012-0299 Teresa Marie Montague, dba Westside Limo-5505-C
2012-0300 Kokua Transport, LLC-379-C
2012-0301 Kaalalani Tours LLC-408-C
2012-0302 Mammoth Tours, Inc.-1588-C
2012-0303 Orion-Independence K. Enocencio, dba Orion’s Hunting Adventures & Taxidermy Service-5755-C
2012-0304 Tania Pasami Vitale, dba Lynn N Logan Transervice-320-C
2012-0305 Tran Khan Tours, Inc.-4834-C



2012-0306 Association Administrators, Inc.
2012-0307 Conexions LLC, dba Conexion Wirless
2012-0308 Legacy Long Distance International, Inc.
(SA464506 10/29, 11/5/12)~