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Notice #: 0000464457-01


The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), hereby provides notice of an informational briefing for a land exchange pursuant to HRS Sections 171-50 and a land sale pursuant to HRS section 171-64.7 between the State of Hawaii and four private landowners. The public purpose of this land exchange and sale is to consolidate the State’s interest in lands in which it retained a one-half interest at the time of award. The proposed change affects the area of government lands on Molokai:

1. Parcel to be conveyed to the State, TMK (2) 5-6-006:014 (approximately 168.04 acres) for forest reserve purposes, Kahananui, Molokai.

2. Parcel to be conveyed to four private land owners TMK (2) 5-6-006:015 (approximately 109.014 acres), Kahananui, Molokai.

3. Parcel to be sold, TMK (2) 5-6-003:008 (approximately 1.018 acres), Kahananui, Molokai District, Molokai.

4. Parcel to be sold, TMK (2) 5-6-003:010 (approximately 0.401 acres), Manuwai – Kahananui, Molokai.

5. Parcel to be conveyed to the State, TMK (2) 5-6-003:012 (approximately 0.338 acres), Kahananui, Molokai.

DLNR will hold an informational briefing to present information on the land exchange and sale at 5:30 pm, November 13th, 2012, at the Kilohana Recreational Center, 334 A1 Kamehameha V Hwy, Kaunakakai, HI, 96748 (located on the eastern side of Molokai).

All interested persons are urged to attend the informational briefing. Any person requesting an auxiliary aid or service (i.e. large print materials, sign language interpreters) is asked to contact Jan Pali at 808-587-4166 or through the Telecommunication Relay Service at 711 by November 6th, 2012.
(SA464457 10/28/12)