Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes section 440G-7 and chapter 91 and Hawaii Administrative Rules section 16-133-14, the Director of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) will hold public hearings in Kapolei and Honolulu, Hawaii, on the application of Hawaiian Telcom Services Company, Inc. (HTSC) for a new cable franchise for the island of Oahu. In connection with its application for a new franchise submitted November 5, 2010, HTSC proposes to provide video service to subscribers on Oahu.
The public hearings will be held on the following dates and times and at the following locations:
Date: April 13, 2011 April 14, 2011
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Kapolei Middle School Washington Middle School
Cultural Center Cafeteria
91-5335 Kapolei Parkway 1633 South King Street
Kapolei, HI 96707 Honolulu, HI 96814
The purpose of the public hearings is to afford those residing in the cable operator’s franchise area the opportunity to submit written or oral data, views or arguments on HTSC’s franchise application. All interested persons are strongly encouraged to attend the public hearings and to review the application for the new franchise at the offices listed below.
Copies of the application will be available for review during normal business hours at the Hawaiian Telcom Retail Store, 1177 Bishop Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 and also at the Cable Television Division (CATV), Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, 335 Merchant Street, Room 101, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. The application may also be found at: catv/cable_operators/hawaiian_telcom.
All interested persons will be afforded the opportunity to submit their comments, both orally and in writing, at the time of the public hearings. Whether testimony is presented orally or not, all testimony should be written and submitted to the CATV Division via the following:
Email to
Fax: (808) 586-2625
U.S. Mail to: Cable Television Division
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
P.O. Box 541
Honolulu, Hawaii 96809
Deadline to submit written comments to DCCA is April 21, 2011.
Individuals who require special needs accommodations for the public hearings are invited to write or contact Patti Kodama at the address above or at (808) 586-2620, at least 7 working days prior to the scheduled public hearings. For more information, contact DCCA at the address or phone number above. Please do not call the meeting sites with any questions or concerns.
Keali`i Lopez
Director of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
State of Hawaii
(SA291559 3/21, 3/28/11)~