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Notice #: 0000142118-01


TIME: 2 P.M.

1. Confirmation of Appointment

a. Gail Haraguchi, Director of Customer Services (MM-97)

2. Bill 51 – Relating to real property taxation. (Adding “homeowner” as a new general land class and providing language defining such properties; Increasing the amount of the penalty for failing to comply with the home exemption reporting requirements; Revising for clarity the definition and requirements for the home exemption; Requiring that a taxpayer provide, upon request, a photocopy of or submit for inspection, a current, valid government-issued identification containing a photo and date of birth, such as a Hawaii State drivers license, a Hawaii State identification card, or a passport; and Including those lands dedicated for residential use under Section 8-7.5 as part of the homeowner class, provided that the property has been granted a home exemption under Section 8-10.4.)

3. Bill 55, CD1 – Relating to public transit. (Amending the public transit fare provisions for disabled persons.)

4. Bill 58, CD1 – Relating to the real property tax exemption for alternate energy improvements. (Modifying the requirements for a real property tax exemption for alternate energy improvements.)

5. Bill 56, CD1 – Relating to the Electrical Code. (Amending the Electrical Code of the City and County of Honolulu and adopting the 2008 Edition of the National Electrical Code.)

6. Bill 57, CD1 – Relating to the Building Energy Efficiency Standards. (Setting minimum requirements for the energy-efficient design of buildings so that they may be constructed, operated, and maintained in a manner that minimizes the use of energy without constraining the building function or the comfort or productivity of the occupants; and Providing criteria for the energy-efficient design and construction of buildings and is intending to provide flexibility to allow the use of innovative approaches and techniques to achieve the effective use of energy.)

7. Bill 53, CD1 – Relating to fees for after-school programs.

The items below, Bills 50, 52 and 54 have been published in anticipation of the action to be taken by the City Council’s Zoning Committee and Public Infrastructure Committee; and therefore, the City Council may or may not take action on each of the items or any amendments proposed thereto.

8. Bill 50 and any proposed amendments proposed thereto by the Zoning Committee – Haleiwa zone change. (From R-5 Residential District to B-1 Neighborhood Business District.) (Applicant: Scott C. Wallace)

9. Bill 52 and any proposed amendments proposed thereto by the Zoning Committee – Kaimuki zone change. (From R-5 Residential District to B-2 Community Business District.) (Applicant: Mr. Timothy Robinson)

10. Bill 54 and any proposed amendments proposed thereto by the Public Infrastructure Committee – Relating to the shipping of solid waste. (Requiring the shipping of solid waste out -of-state through a City-administered program.)

Persons wishing to speak are requested to register by 2 p.m. using the On-Line Council Speaker Registration form available at, or by sending a fax indicating your desire to speak, along with your name, phone number and subject matter to 768-3826 or by calling 768-3814. Testimony is limited to three minutes and shall be presented by the registered speaker only. Written testimonies may be faxed to 768-3826 or you may e-mail your testimony by going to for the e-mail contact. By submitting written testimony, you are not automatically registered to speak. You are requested to register to speak if you wish to provide oral testimony.

On-line and fax registration forms must be received by 2 p.m. to be included in the list of registered speakers. Persons who have not registered to testify by 2 p.m. will be given an opportunity to present oral testimony on an item following the registered speakers by raising their hand at the time additional speakers are called upon.

Copies of the Communication, Bills, Codes and any amendments thereto are available at the City Clerk’s Office, Room 203, Honolulu Hale or on-line at

Any physically challenged person requiring special assistance should call 768-3814 for details at least one day prior to the meeting date.

(SB142118 8/15/09)