State of Hawaii
Department of Human Services
Med-QUEST Division
Pursuant to 42 C.F.R. 447.205, the Department of Human Services (“DHS”) is proposing to change the methods and standards that it uses to set the payment rates for Long-Term Care services for the Medicaid program. The proposed changes will be submitted for review by the federal government as an amendment to the Medicaid State Plan to be effective following the date of the notice.
The significant changes are:
Medicaid acuity based reimbursement rates for Long-Term Care services will not be increased by the Global Insight inflation adjustment of 4.0% during state fiscal year 2009-2010. However, for state fiscal year 2009-2010 the rates will still be adjusted for acuity. The Medicaid acuity based reimbursement rates for Long-Term Care services will return to the existing rate setting parameters to include the applicable Global Insight inflation adjustment for each subsequent rate period beginning with state fiscal year 2010-2011.
A copy of the proposed changes are available for public viewing from the first working day that the public notice appears in the Honolulu Star Bulletin, Hawaii Tribune Herald, West Hawaii Today, The Maui News, and The Garden Island, from Monday – Friday between the hours of 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the following locations:
On Oahu: Department of Human Services
Med-QUEST Division
Policy & Program Development Office
601 Kamokila Blvd., Room 518
Kapolei, Hawaii 96707-2021
Phone: 692-8058
Mailing Address:
Med-QUEST Division
Policy & Program Development Office
P. O. Box 700190
Kapolei, Hawaii 96709-0190
On Maui: Med-QUEST Division
Maui Section
210 Imi Kala Street, Suite 101
Wailuku, Hawaii 96793
Phone: 243-5780
On Kauai: Med-QUEST Division
Kauai Section
4473 Pahee Street, Suite A
Lihue, Hawaii 96766
Phone: 241-3575
On Hawaii: Med-QUEST Division
East Hawaii Section
88 Kanoelehua Ave., Room 107
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Phone: 933-0339
Med-QUEST Division
West Hawaii Section
Lanihau Professional Center
75-5591 Palani Road, Ste. 3004
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740 (327-4970)
In addition, written comments concerning the proposed changes may be sent to P. O. Box 700190 at the Oahu mailing address noted above. Any written comments that are received may also be reviewed by the public at the locations noted above. There are currently no public hearings scheduled with respect to the proposed changes. Public hearings will be held in conjunction with amendments to the Hawaii Administrative Rules that are made to conform to the changes described in this notice. A notice of the time and place of those hearings will be published at a later time.
(SB131713 6/26/09)~