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Notice #: 0000129923-01

Exempt from civil service, temporary, full-time.
Hawaii State Government Benefits.

Description: Contract management of federal crime and victim grant programs, including monitoring and updating applicable crime and victim statistics.

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university or college. Three years paid experience in human service or criminal justice programs with experience in at least two of the following areas: program/project administration, program development or planning (needs assessment, problem identification, analysis, recommendations), grant management. Computer competency, good analytical, writing, organizational, communication, and people skills required.

Your resume should clearly show your employment dates and a complete description of duties and responsibilities in each of your positions which involved:
Human service or criminal justice programs
Program/project administration
Program development or planning
Grant management.

Multiple positions are being recruited and are intended to administer grants funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Positions are funded by the grants and are therefore limited to the Federal grant end date. Positions funded by the Justice Assistance Grant end on 2/28/2013; positions funded by the Violence Against Women Act STOP Grant end on 4/30/2011.

The salary range is expected to be $45,000 – $51,000.

To apply: Send cover letter, resumé, salary requirements, and completed Application for Exempt Employment (download Application from <>), postmarked no later than July 1, 2009 to:

Department of the Attorney General
Crime Prevention and Justice Assistance Division
235 South Beretania Street, Suite 401
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

(No phone calls, please)
An Equal Opportunity Employer

(SB129923 6/21/09)~