The State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), pursuant to Chapter 190D, Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), hereby issues public notice and invitation for public comment by June 8, 2009, regarding:
Conservation District Use Application OA-3506, Hukilau Foods Proposed Expansion of an Existing Aquaculture Facility in State Marine Waters, Located Approximately Two Miles Offshore Ewa Beach, Island of Oahu
Furthermore, pursuant to Section 190D-11(b), Hawaii Revised Statutes, the department includes the following information in this notice and invitation for public comment related to the above application:
1. The state marine waters for which the application has been made:
The applicant, Hukilau Farms, has been operating a moi (Polydactylus sexfilis) aquaculture farm two miles offshore Ewa Beach, under Cates International Conservation District Use Permit (CDUP) OA-2989 for the last seven years.
The CDUA is being submitted to expand the existing moi aquaculture farm an additional 33.51 acres (1,457,685 square feet), from the existing 28.077 acres (1,221,350 square feet) to 61.59 acres (2,679,165 square feet). This includes the surface, seafloor and water column of State marine waters and submerged lands. Hukilau Foods proposes to widen the North-South dimension of the current site from 782 feet to 1451 feet, and the East-West dimensions from 1564 feet to approximately 1849 feet. The northeast boundary will be extended seaward 285 feet and the northwest boundary to the southeast a total of 669 feet.
Hukilau Foods is asking for exclusive use of the area located above, below, and within the sea cages and the feed/security barge; total exclusive use 2 acres (87,120 square feet). Hukilau Foods is asking for limited exclusive use for 59.59 acres (2,592,165 square feet) to limit snorkeling, SCUBA, diving, or anchoring in the lease area. Boat transit, troll and drift fishing is still envisioned.
Hukilau Foods will continue with the cultivation of moi. Phase 1 plans: 1) existing mooring grid will be realigned perpendicular to the prevailing currents; 2) new lines and anchors will be added in the seaward direction; and 3) existing SS 3000 cages will be repositioned. Phase 2 depends on the stock of fingerlings available from the company’s hatchery at Kalaeloa; plans include: 1) deployment of four new SS 6000 cages; 2) harvest of the four SS 3000 cages; and 3) eventual replacement of the four SS 3000 cages to four SS 6000 cages. Eventually, eight Sea Station (SS) 6000 series cages, each 6000 m3 in volume, will be anchored to the ocean bottom and operated 30 to 40 feet below the surface. The SS 6000 cages are 100 feet in diameter and 60 feet in height. Stocking as needed, daily feeding, weekly harvesting, and daily and monthly maintenance will be carried out by surface work boats and barges accompanied by SCUBA divers. Approval is being sought for the feed/security barge to be permanently anchored onsite.
The four corners of the project area are located at – 1) Northeast corner: 21.2904 North Latitude 158.0049 West Longitude; 2) Northwest corner: 21.2899 North Latitude 158.0093 West Longitude; 3) Southeast corner: 21.2852 North Latitude 158.0041 West Longitude; and 4) Southwest corner: 21.2846 North Latitude 158.0085 West Longitude. The center of the cages is located at 21.2875 North Latitude and 158.0066 West Longitude.
2. The nature of the exclusive use sought:
Hukilau Foods intends to use those submerged waters and lands that are necessary to operate the proposed aquaculture project. Hukilau Foods has determined that the total area of proposed exclusive use will be for the area located above, below, and within the seacages and the feed/security barge; total exclusive use 2 acres (87,120 square feet). Hukilau Foods is asking for safety reasons that there will be limited exclusive use of 59.59 acres (2,592,165 square feet) to limit snorkeling, SCUBA, diving, or anchoring in the lease area. Boat transit, troll and drift fishing is still envisioned.
3. The purpose for which the application has been made:
Hukilau Foods intends to increase fish production from 1.2 million pounds to 5 million pounds per year of moi (Polydactylus sexfilis). Fingerlings will be transported from Hukilau Foods’s hatchery in Kalaeloa, Oahu. Fingerlings will be transferred to the open ocean fish farm when they are approximately 2 to 3 inches. Moi will be grown to market size (1 1/4 pounds) in seven months at which time they will be harvested at sea and transported to Keehi Lagoon facility for offloading in containers destined for local wholesalers; solid waste disposal will be the responsibility of the wholesaler and/or other buyers. The operation is to be fully functional by 2012.
The application also includes a request for a lease of State Marine Waters.
Copies of the application, the project’s Draft Environmental Assessment (DEA) which includes maps of the general location of the area under consideration are available for inspection at the following state libraries (Ewa Beach Library, Pearl City Library, Hawaii State Library), and the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands, Kalanimoku Building, Room 131, 1151 Punchbowl Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96809.
Public comments should be sent to Dawn Hegger, Office of Conservation and Coastal Lands, Department of Land and Natural Resources, P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96809, and/or faxed to (808) 587-0322.
/s/LAURA H. THIELEN Chairperson
Dated: 4/20/09
(SB120070 5/8/09)~