Pursuant to the City and County of Honolulu’s Citizen Participation requirements for its U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs, the City proposes to amend its Final Fourteenth (14th) Year Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2009 (July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009). The City proposes to amend its Action Plan to undertake the following activities under the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program funded under the ARRA of 2009.
vity Proposed
Project Title and Description Code Funding Phase Amount ($) Location Proposed Accomplishment Subrecipient
Catholic Charities Hawaii 03T HPRP Other 973,432 200 North Vineyard Blvd. Supports programs to assist with or Catholic Charities Hawaii
Provision of funds to provide financial assistance, case management and housing Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 prevent homelessness.
stabilization services to individuals or families experiencing homelessness or at risk of
becoming homeless.
Helping Hands Hawaii 03T HPRP Other 500,000 2100 North Nimitz Hwy. Supports programs to assist with or Helping Hands Hawaii
Provision of funds to provide financial assistance and case management services to Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 prevent homelessness.
individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless.
The Institute for Human Services, Inc. (IHS) 03T HPRP Other 1,100,000 546 Kaaahi Street Supports programs to assist with or Institute for Human Services
Provision of funds for financial assistance, case management and housing stabilization Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 prevent homelessness.
services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming
Kalihi-Palama Health Center 03T HPRP Other 500,000 915 North King Street Supports programs to assist with or Kalihi-Palama Health
Provision of funds to provide financial assistance, case management and housing Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 prevent homelessness. Center
stabilization services to individuals or families experiencing homelessness or at risk of
becoming homeless.
Legal Aid Society of Hawaii 05C HPRP Other 300,000 924 Bethel Street Supports legal services to prevent Legal Aid Society of Hawaii
Provision of funds to provide legal services to help clients stabilize and maintain their Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 homelessness.
current living situations to prevent homelessness and to assist persons in overcoming 47-773 Kamehameha Hwy.
barriers to housing. Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744
85-670 Farrington Hwy.
Waianae, Hawaii 96792
Volunteer Legal Services Hawaii 05C HPRP Other 100,000 545 Queen Street Supports civil legal services to prevent Volunteer Legal Services
Provision of funds for outreach and civil legal services to prevent homelessness Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 homelessness. Hawaii
and/or rapidly re-house persons who are homeless.
Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center 03T HPRP Other 219,840 86-260 Farrington Hwy. Supports programs for homeless Waianae Coast
Provision of funds to provide financial assistance, outreach and case management Waianae, Hawaii 96792 persons. Comprehensive Health
services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Center
Waikiki Health Center 03T HPRP Other 180,000 277 Ohua Avenue Supports programs to prevent Waikiki Health Center
Provision of funds to provide outreach, case management, housing search and placement Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 homelessness.
services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming
City and County of Honolulu 21A HPRP Oper 142,802 Not applicable Supports administrative costs and upgrade and maintenance of Not applicable
Administration and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and maintenance of the Housing
Provision of funds for upgrade and maintenance of the Housing Information Management Management Information System (HMIS).
System (HMIS) and administrative support.
TOTAL 4,016,074
Award amounts are contingent upon an agency’s expenditure of funds in a timely and appropriate manner. Agencies which cannot meet these conditions will have their funds reallocated to another project listed above.
Under the Recovery Act, 60% of the grant amount must be expended within 2 years of the grant agreement. Failure to meet the requirement may result in the recapture and reallocation of unused funds to other jurisdictions.
In order to avoid recapture, the funding awards and contracts will contain conditions to allow the City to remove funds from a nonperforming agency and transfer its funds to other funded agencies are expending their funds in a timely.
The Revised Final Fourteenth (14th) Year Action Plan will be submitted to HUD on May 18, 2009. Copies of the Revised Final Fourteenth (14th) Year Action Plan are available for public review at the Municipal Reference
Library, City Hall Annex, 558 South King Street, Honolulu, and on the City’s website at:
Persons wishing to provide comments on the City’s Revised Final Fourteenth (14th) Year Action Plan should submit their correspondence
by May 17, 2009 to:
Holly Kawano, Federal Grants Coordinator Rix Maurer III, Director
Department of Budget and Fiscal Services Department of Budget and Fiscal Services
530 South King Street, Room 208 By order of MUFI HANNEMANN, MAYOR
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 City and County of Honolulu