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Notice #: 0000102781-01

Kahului Airport Master Plan and Noise Compatibility Program Update
Notice of Public Informational Meeting

The State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, Airports Division is conducting a public informational meeting for the Kahului Airport Master Plan and Noise Compatibility Program Update. The meeting is scheduled for the evening of February 24, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at the Maui Community College Multi-Purpose Room, 310 Ka’ahumanu Avenue, Kahului.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the work plan of the Kahului Airport Master Plan and Noise Compatibility Program Update project and to afford the community an opportunity to identify areas of concern and interest that should be taken into consideration as part of the Plan update.

All interested persons are invited to attend this meeting to provide input on the study. Comments and questions from affected and interested individuals and organizations are welcomed.

The meeting location is disability accessible. Should you need additional assistance for other disabilities, such as sign language interpretation and large type print, please contact the Department of Transportation, Airports Division, at (808) 838-8818 at least three working days before the scheduled meeting.

Deputy Director – Airports
(SB102781 2/17/09)