storbeck! pimentel
executive search consultants
The University of Hawai’i is the single system of public higher education for the State of Hawai’i
In 21XJ7, the system celebrated its centennial aod insugurated its second huudred years. Governed hy
a IS-member Board of Regeots, the university eoroUs S3,500 degree-seeking students in its
lQ-campus system, which includes: The University of Hawai’i at Miinoa (the laod- sea- aod
space- grant research university in the state); The University of Hawai’i at Hilo (a comprehensive
university 00 the Big Islaod of Hawai’i); The University of Hawai’i at West O’abo (a baccalaureate
institution on O’abu); and the seven campuses of The University of Hawai’i community college
system located on the islands of Hawai’i.. Maui, O’abu, and Kaua’i
The president of this unique system is the chiefexecutive officer working in close consultation with
the Board ofRegents and with the chancellors and faculty ofthe campuses. The president also works
closely with a wide range of internal and external constituencies. including the state legislature and
the governor, to provide academic and administrative leadership for the university.
In addition to the responsibility of educating the citizens of the state of Hawai’i, the University of
Hawai’i president and entire system has a special responsibility to Native Hawaiians. Each of the
campuses is committed to the understanding of the Native Hawaiian culture and to Native Hawaiian
student success.
Review of applications will begin on February 20. 2009 and will continue until the position is filled.
Qualified candidates must submit a cover letter summarizing the candidate’s interest and
qualifications for the position, a current resume, and the names of five (5) professional references.
including addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. All inquiries. nominations and
applications will be held in strict confidence.
Elec1ronic applications aod nominations are prefem:d. Submit to:
Sharon ’Thnabe, Partner and Alberto Pimentel, Managing Partner
StorbecklPimentel and Associa”’”
CODE: UHS President
Mailing address: 1111 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 106
Mooterey Park, CA 91754
Learn more about University of Hawai’i at
The University ofHawai’i is an equal opportunity/qffirmative action institution and encourages
applications from and nominations a/women and minority candidates.~