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Notice #: 0000078969-01


Application for Water Use Permit
Puuloa Ground Water Management Area, Oahu

The following application to modify an existing water use permit has been received by the Commission on Water Resource Management. The Commission’s receipt of this application is hereby made public in accordance with Section 13-171, Hawaii Administrative Rules, “Designation and Regulation of Water Management Areas.”

WUPA No. 856 Soda Creek III (Well No. 2001-05)

Applicant: Ewa by Gentry Community Association
91-1795 Keaunui Drive
Ewa Beach, HI 96706

Landowner: Ewa by Gentry Community Association
91-1795 Keaunui Drive
Ewa Beach, HI 96706

Date Application Filed as Complete: October 8, 2008
Hydrologic Unit: Aquifer Areas: Puuloa System, Ewa Caprock Sector, Oahu
Water Source: Soda Creek III (Well No. 2001-05; aka Sun Terra Tot Lot Well) near Launahele Street south of Geiger Road, Oahu, Tax Map Key (1) 9-1-070:132
Quantity Requested: 0.195 million gallons per day
Existing/New Use: Existing / Irrigation of 31.3 acres of roadway and park irrigation
Place of Water Use: Multiple TMKs. Landscaping along Kapolei Parkway and areas bounded generally by Kapolei Parkway, Geiger Road, Fort Weaver Road, and Keaunui Drive. A map showing the Irrigation Master Plan for the Ewa by Gentry project with the irrigation zone covered by this water use permit application is available for public viewing on the Commission’s website at… or at 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 227, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Written objections or comments on the above application may be filed by any person who has property interest in any land within the hydrologic unit of the source of water supply, any person who will be directly and immediately affected by the proposed water use, or any other interested person. Written objections shall: (1) state property or other interest in the matter (provide TMK information); (2) set forth questions of procedure, fact, law, or policy, to which objections are taken; and (3) state all grounds for objections to the proposed permit. Written objections must be received by November 20, 2008. Objections must be sent to: (1) the Commission on Water Resource Management, P.O. Box 621, Honolulu, Hawaii 96809 and (2) the applicant at the above address.


KEN C. KAWAHARA, P.E., Deputy Director for
LAURA H. THIELEN, Chairperson
(SB78969 10/29, 11/5/08)