Pursuant to Section 42F-107, HRS, notification is being made that the following grants have not been released by the Governor as of September 30, 2008:
Act 158/08
Bishop Museum 450,000
American Red Cross, Hawaii State Chapter, Oahu 200,000
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Honolulu, Oahu 500,000
Children’s Discovery Center, Oahu 300,000
Friends of Old Maui High School, Maui 200,000
Hospice of Hilo, Hawaii 250,000
In Dis Life, Kauai 200,000
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii, Oahu 250,000
Kahi Mohala Behavioral Health, Oahu 200,000
Kauai Economic Opportunity, Inc., Kauai 300,000
Kualoa-Heeia Ecumenical Youth Project, Oahu 200,000
La’i’opua 2020, Hawaii 250,000
Makakilo Baptist Church Preschool, Oahu 200,000
Malama Learning Center, Oahu 500,000
Maui Arts and Cultural Center, Maui 250,000
Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc. (MEO), Maui 1,000,000
Maui Family YMCA, Maui 500,000
Molokai General Hospital, Molokai 400,000
Nanakuli Hawaiian Homestead Community Association, Oahu 300,000
National Tropical Botanical Garden 200,000
Palolo Chinese Home, Oahu 800,000
Parents and Children Together (PACT), Oahu 250,000
Supporting the Language of Kauai, Inc., Kauai 1,800,000
USS Missouri Memorial Association, Inc., Oahu 250,000
Volcano Health Collaborative, Hawaii 250,000
Waikiki Community Center, Oahu 200,000
Act 213/07
Alcoholic Rehabilitation Services of Hawaii, Inc. 675,000
American Box Car Racing International 75,000
Arc of Hilo, Hawaii 250,000
Children’s Discovery Center, Oahu 125,000
Friends of Waipahu Cultural Garden Park, Oahu 250,000
Hale Kipa Services Center 500,000
Hale Makua Sprinkler System 750,000
Hamakua Health Center, Inc., Hawaii 250,000
Hawaii Arts Center for Youth, Oahu 50,000
Hawaii Heritage Center, Oahu 300,000
Hawaii Performing Arts Company, Oahu 150,000
Hawaii Theatre Center, Oahu 250,000
Hospice of Hilo 1,000,000
Hui Malama I Ke Kai Foundation 39,000
Humane Society 125,000
Kawaiahao’o Church, Oahu 250,000
KCAA Preschools of Hawaii 250,000
Keehi Memorial Organization, Oahu 1,000,000
Kokua Kalihi Valley – Kalihi Valley Nature Park 2,200,000
Kona Historical Society, Hawaii 100,000
La’a Kea Foundation for Sunrise Farm Community, Maui 448,000
Lanai Women’s Center – Health Center 500,000
Lanakila Rehabilitation Center, Oahu 300,000
Malama Learning Center, Oahu 275,000
Maui Community Arts and Cultural Center, Maui 250,000
Nanakuli Hawaiian Homestead Community Association, Oahu 250,000
Pacific Aviation Museum 500,000
Palolo Chinese Home, Oahu 250,000
Pearl City Foundation 2,000,000
Shriners Hospitals for Children, Honolulu, Oahu 250,000
Surfing the Nations Foundation, Oahu 75,000
Waianae Coast Community Mental Health Center, Hale Naau Pono, Oahu 125,000
Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center 1,000,000
Waikiki Community Center, Oahu 100,000
Waimanalo Construction Coalition, Oahu 125,000
Waimanalo Health Center, Oahu 125,000
Waipahu United Church of Christ, Oahu 250,000
YMCA of Honolulu, Oahu 250,000
Director of Finance
(SB74837 10/8/08)~