Legal Notice DOFAW 08-09
The Department of Land and Natural Resources announces the opening of a black-tailed deer hunting
season on the island of Kauai. Pursuant to Title 13, Chapter 123 (13-123-4) “Rules Regulating Game
Mammal Hunting,” the following rules and conditions will be in effect:
Unit(s) Open
to Hunting
Season Duration Season Bag Limit
Archery Hunting Units F,
J, and K
September 6 to November
30, 2008; weekends and
State holidays
One deer of either sex per
archery tag hunter per license
Rifl es Only Units A and H September 6-7, 2008
One deer per muzzle-load
hunter/license year;
Unit A and H: one antlered
buck; three inch antler
Regular Rifl e
Hunting Unit A
Six (6) consecutive weekends;
lottery; September 20
to October 26, 2008
One deer per rifl e tag hunter
per license year;
Unit A and H: one antlered
buck; three inch antler
Hunting Units H minimum.
Six (6) consecutive weekends;
lottery; September 20
to October 26, 2008
Each hunter will be permitted to take up to three (3) deer during the 2008 Kauai Deer Season; one
each during the archery, muzzle-loader rifl e and regular rifl e seasons. Due to recent court ruling,
both application and tag fees for the 2008 Kauai Black-tailed deer season will be waived.
ARCHERY ONLY SEASON: Archery permits are now available in the Lihue Division of Forestry and Wildlife
offi ce at 3060 Eiwa St., Room 306. Hunters must present their 2008-09 Hawaii Hunting License in
order to acquire a deer archery permit. Another person may pick up your permit, but must present your
license for you. Neighbor island archers may pick up an application form at the DOFAW offi ce on their
island and mail it in. Specifi c instructions are on the application form. Validated archery permits will be
mailed to each hunter after application has been received.
MUZZLE-LOADER ONLY SEASON: Kauai residents may acquire their permits starting July 7, 2008 at
the Lihue DOFAW offi ce at 3060 Eiwa St., Rm. 306, and must present their 2008-09 Hawaii Hunting
license when acquiring their permit. Another person may pick up the permit for you, but must present
your hunting license to do so. Neighbor island muzzle-load hunters may pick up an application form at
the DOFAW offi ce on their island. Validated muzzle-loader permits will be mailed to off-island hunters
provided their applications are correctly fi lled out.
The deer muzzle-loader tag season will be in Hunting Units A and H on September 6-7, 2008. The bag
limit will be one (1) antlered deer, (three inch antler minimum) per muzzle-load hunter per license year.
Female deer may not be taken during the muzzle-loader season. Unit A will be closed to pig hunting during
the deer season. Unit A hunters may check-in either at Kokee, Kekaha, or Mana Tunnels HCS. Unit
H muzzleload hunters must sign-in and sign-out at the Makaha Ridge HCS. A successful muzzle-load
hunter who has bagged a deer will have fi lled their deer muzzle-loader bag limit, but may accompany
their hunting group without a fi rearm for the duration of the muzzle-loader season. The use of dogs is
prohibited during the regular deer muzzle-loader only weekend.
REGULAR RIFLE SEASON: Applications for the 2008 Kauai Deer Rifl e season are now available at all
Division of Forestry and Wildlife offi ces and participating hunting license dealers on the island of Kauai.
The regular rifl e tag season for deer will be in Hunting Units A and H for six (6) consecutive weekends
beginning on September 20 and ending October 26, 2008. Each hunter applicant will be drawn for two
(2) weekends; one weekend in Unit A and another weekend in Unit H.
The bag limit will be one (1) antlered deer, three inch antler minimum per rifl e hunter per license year.
Female deer may not be taken during the regular rifl e season. Unit A will be closed to pig hunting during
the deer season. Unit A hunters may check-in either at Kokee, Kekaha, or Mana Tunnels HCS. Unit H
hunters must sign-in and sign-out at the Makaha Ridge HCS. A successful hunter who has bagged a
deer will have fi lled their regular rifl e bag limit, but may accompany their hunting group without a fi rearm
for the duration of the season. The use of dogs is prohibited during the deer rifl e season.
The application deadline for the regular deer rifl e tag season is 3:30 p.m. Friday, August 1, 2008.
The public drawing will be held at the Lihue State Offi ce Building, Second fl oor Conference room 209 on
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. Lottery results will not be given over the telephone. Hunters
are encouraged to attend the public drawing to determine the results, or wait for their validated tags to
be mailed to them. The Lihue Division of Forestry and Wildlife Offi ce will post the results after the August
6th public drawing.
All deer hunters (archery, muzzle-loader and regular rifl e) are required to carry their deer tag(s) and valid
hunting license on their person at all times while in the hunting area. Deer tags are non-transferable between
hunters. There will be no make-up weekends or standby permits. Deer tag(s) must be fastened to
the carcass immediately after taking a deer. Successful deer hunters are to bring their animal carcass to
the Kokee Hunter Check Station for weighing and examination. All hunters shall be required to preserve
their game in a condition that will enable the identifi cation of sex and species. No skinning or boning of
deer carcasses will be permitted in any hunting area. However, hunters will be allowed to half or quarter
their animal.
All other requirements contained in Chapter 123, “Rules Regulating Game Mammal Hunting” apply to
the Kauai deer hunting season. For more information, please call the nearest Division of Forestry and
Wildlife offi ce on your island.
Kauai 274-3433 Oahu 587-0166 Maui 984-8100 Molokai 533-1745
Lanai 565-7916 Hilo 933-4221 Kamuela 887-6063~