Campaign Spending Commission
Blue Ribbon Recodification Committee
The State of Hawaii Campaign Spending Commission thanks the 17 attorneys listed below for volunteering their time as Blue Ribbon Recodification Committee members. The committee worked many hours from September, 2007 through May, 2008 with the Commission’s staff to simplify and clarify the laws for campaign contributions and expenditures. The Committee’s draft amendments will be included in a bill submitted by the Commission to the 2009 legislature.
James Case, Esq.
Calvert G. Chipchase IV, Esq.
Leroy Colombe, Esq.
Brian DeLima, Esq.
J. George Hetherington, Esq.
Sandra Hoshida, Esq.
William Kaneko, Esq.
Brian Kang, Esq.
Jared Kawashima, Esq.
Bert Kobayashi, Jr., Esq.
James Koshiba, Esq.
Judge Randall Lee
Matt Matsunaga, Esq.
Owen Matsunaga, Esq.
Marilyn Niwao, Esq.
Terry Thomason, Esq.
Renee Yuen, Esq.