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Notice #: 0000958674-01

Kauai County Housing Agency
Legal Public Notice for Public Comment
On a Draft Substantial Amendment to the County of Kauai’s
Consolidated Plan for Program Years 2015-2020
Annual Action Plan for Program Year 2016

Pursuant to 24 CFR 91 the Kauai County Housing Agency (KCHA), gives notice: 1) of the proposed draft amendments to the County of Kauai’s Consolidated Plan (CP) for Program Years 2015-2020, 2) the proposed draft amendment to the County of Kauai’s Annual Action Plan (AAP) for Program Year July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 (PY 2016), 3) the draft National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Allocation Plan, and 4) draft Fair Housing Analysis of Impediments (AI). The Kauai County Housing Agency is making these documents available for review and comment.

The purpose of the CP and the AAP is to ensure that jurisdictions receiving federal assistance plan for the housing and related needs of low-and moderate-income families in a way that improves the availability and affordability of decent, safe, and sanitary housing in suitable living environments. To receive funding under certain U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs, the County must have a housing strategy that has been approved by HUD.

Draft Substantial Amendments to 5-year CP
Housing Trust Fund– The Kauai County Housing Agency receives HUD’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program funds and prepared a 5-year CP to prepare for the proposed projects and programs supported with CDBG funds. The 5-year CP is available for review and may be accessed on the County of Kauai’s website at To provide additional affordable housing opportunities, KCHA proposes to amend the 5-year CP to include the National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) program, as provided by 24 CFR, Part 93, Interim Rule. The HTF is a new affordable housing production program that will complement existing Federal, State and local efforts to increase and preserve the supply of decent, safe and sanitary affordable housing for extremely low-income and very low-income households, including homeless families. HTF funds may be used for the production or preservation of affordable housing through acquisition, new construction and reconstruction.

Fair Housing Analysis of Impediments– The AI for Fair Housing Choice focuses on people with disabilities. An AI study was completed in conjunction with other State and County agencies as a requirement for receiving Federal funds for various hosing programs. The County proposes to amend the CP to include the impediments found and the actions to address impediments. The AI is available for review and may be accessed on the County of Kauai’s website at

Draft Substantial Amendment to AAP (PY 2016)
KCHA proposes to amend the PY 2016 AAP to include 1) new HTF Program to provide affordable rental housing units, and 2) identify available resources and description of the County’s method for disbursing funds to local organizations to carry out activities to address the priority needs.

Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan
The County’s HTF allocation plan is incorporated into the proposed Substantial Amendment to the County of Kauai’s CP for Program Years 2015-2020. The HTF Allocation Plan is available for review and may be accessed on the County of Kauai’s website at

The proposed amendment to the County’s draft CP for Program Years 2015-2020, the draft AAP for Program Year 2016, and Housing Trust Fund Allocation Plan are available for review at the Kauai County Housing Agency, 4444 Rice Street, Suite 330, Lihue, Hawaii 96766, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or posted on our website at Written comments to the proposed Substantial Amendment described can be submitted to the aforementioned address, faxed to 808-241-5118 or emailed to by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, March 13, 2017. All written comments will be considered in preparing the final Substantial Amendment to the County’s CP for Program Years 2015-2020 and AAP for Program Year 2016.

If access or communication assistance and/or services (and need large print, or other auxiliary aid support), please contact Sharon Graham at 808-241-4427 or

By order of the Mayor
County of Kauai
Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr.

Publish Date: Friday, February 10, 2017
(TGI958674 2/10/17)
